Experimental oncology

Gynecologic oncology


Senior physician

Giorgia Mangili


Realization and definition of clinical trials that regard the treatment of gynecological cancers, with a strong cooperation with MITO (Multicenter Italian Trial in Ovarian cancer and gynecological malignancies) and other international research groups, such as European RAre CAncers, the European Organization for Treatment of Trophoblastic Diseases, the European Network for Gynecological Oncological Trial, the Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup.

Research activity

The clinical research activity is addressed towards:

  • Clinical trials in phase II and III for the evaluation of new therapeutical protocols in the medical treatment of gynecological neoplasias
  • The study of treatment and prognostic factors of rare gynecological neoplasias
  • Fertility preservation
  • Quality of life in gynecological oncology
  • The role of PET in gynecological tumours
  • TCR gene editing in ovarian cancer
  • The role of HER2 in trophoblast tumours
  • Evaluation of gonadal damage by chemotherapy in murine models