Rett syndrome and neurodevelopmental disorders

Nicoletta Landsberger


Location: DIBIT1 A3, Floor 3, Room 81

Group leader, Rett syndrome and neurodevelopmental disorders Unit

Dr. Landsberger is Full professor in Molecular Biology at the University of Milan. She graduated in Biology and got her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Milan. She spent 4 years as a Postdoc in Dr. A.P. Wolffe’s laboratory at NIH (USA). From 1998 to 2015, she led the Laboratory of the Genetic and Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression at University of Insubria. From 2011 she is heading the San Raffaele Rett Research Unit at the Division of Neuroscience. Since April 2015 she moved to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan, where she has started her novel Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology Applied to Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Even though her previous research domain was in chromatin structure and gene transcription, her more recent research activity is exclusively dedicated to MECP2 and CDKL5 related disorders. In the past she has contributed to demonstrate that MeCP2 interacts with the Sin3A/HDAC complex and that mouse models of RTT have a defective AKT/mTOR pathway. Recently, she has demonstrated that MeCP2 is a key transcriptional factor regulating cerebral cortex development and suggested that RTT is the cumulative result of different adverse events starting during embryogenesis. She recently highlighted novel and unexpected functions of MeCP2. Further, her team has significantly contributed to the current knowledge of CDKL5.

Publication records (march 2017): 54 original papers, 5712 citations and 3 chapter books.

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