Research Projects
Il Ministero della Salute, visto il Programma nazionale della ricerca sanitaria 2023-2025, finanzia iniziative progettuali di ricerca biomedica innovativa, che prevedono studi finalizzati ad indirizzare le scelte degli operatori del Sistema Sanitario Nazionale, con evidenti ricadute sulla salute dei pazienti e dei cittadini.
More info on the ricerca finalizzata 2024
Through the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), the Italian Ministry of Health is making significant investments aimed at strengthening the biomedical research field of the National Health Service (SSN). The investments are reinforced by the advancements achieved by the reform of the IRCCS system and the collaboration with research programs proposed by Ministry of University and Research (MUR) as well as joint inititiatives with the technology transfer programs outlined by Ministry of Economic Development.