BioRad Confocal
BioRad MRC 1024 Laser Scanning Confocal
- Achrostigmat 20X (NA 0.4 5 ) Dry Plan
- NEOFLUAR 40X (NA 1.3 ) Oil Plan
- NEOFLUAR 63 X (NA 1.25) Oil
- 488 nm , 568 nm , 647 nm (Ar - Kr)
- Brightfield (contrast): No (only in reflection);
- Fluor: yes;
- Sensor: PMT;
- Max resolution: 1200 x 1024;
- Z section: yes;
- Time lapse: yes;
- ROI Bleaching: no;
Laser-Scanning Confocal Microscope for optical sectioning of a fluorescent specimen. The LaserSharp Software allows the collection of optical sections, enhancement and analysis of individual images, comparison of images, visualization and rotation of three-dimensional images and measurements of intensity and size.
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