Education and Careers
PhD program

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, top-ranked among the research universities in Italy, offers a PhD course in Molecular Medicine aimed to provide excellent guidance, support and training to graduate students interested in understanding the molecular processes underlying human diseases and in designing new approaches for their treatment.
The PhD program operates within IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, enabling the students to do their practical training in the hospital facilities (both clinical departments and research labs). The program allows students to undertake a major research project in one of the over 100 research laboratories present in the institute. Students are expected to play an integral part in the life of San Raffaele research community, also taking advantage of the many lectures, workshops and seminars organized by IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele.
The PhD course is split into four main research lines (Curricula) that span the broad areas of molecular medicine. The curricula involve more than 90 research units of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele actively working in the fileds of molecular oncology, neuroscience, genetics, immunology, transplantation and infectious diseases, metabolic and cardiovascular sciences, regenerative medicine and gene therapy, translational genomics and bioinformatics and experimental imaging.
Explore the curricula programs and research units affiliated:
- Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Basic and Applied Immunology and Oncology
- Clinical and Experimental Medicine
- Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology
- Program in Gene and Cell Therapy
The International PhD Course in Molecular Medicine provides a program, called “Physician-Scientist”, that allows students of the final year of a UniSR Residency Program to attend simultaneously the 1st year of the PhD Course.
For more details about applications and positions click here