
Omics Sciences



Giovanni Tonon



The primary goal of the Center for Omics Sciences at the IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele (COSR) is to provide to the scientific and clinical community technologies, approaches and instruments to understand the role of the genome, proteome and metabolome on diseases development, diagnosis and cure. The center promotes multi-omics research integrated with translational medicine, to shed light into disease onset mechanisms, propose new ad-hoc therapies and improve patients’ assistance.

Research activity

The COSR supports and initiates novel, interdisciplinary research, projecting IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele towards tackling disease through-omics driven translational approaches. The Center acts as a catalyst for innovative research projects by complementing existing research lines across the Institute with high throughput technologies, quantitative methods, and advanced data integration techniques.

The main research activities are:

  • Human Health Genomics aimed to develop new diagnostic, predictive and therapeutic approaches;
  • Transcriptome studies, to understand the mechanism of gene regulation and pathways involved in various physiological and pathological phenotypes;
  • Epigenomics studies to find out the role of the environment in the onset of several diseases;
  • Proteomics studies, to describe and understand biological processes at protein level;
  • Metabolomics studies, to identify metabolic alterations characterizing and affecting physiological and pathological contexts;
  • Multi-omics studies integrating different types of analysis;
  • Development of new bioinformatics tools.


The COSR is organized in 9 research areas, i.e. genomics, bioinformatics, innovation lab, human health genomics, immunogenomics lab, translational genetics, computational cancer immunotherapy lab, proteomics and metabolomics. It includes 2 research units, i.e. Proteome Biochemistry and Genomics for the Diagnosis of Human Pathologies. Multi-omics approaches are also provided as service through the activity of core facilities. It is located in the DIBIT2 buildings and counts more than 50 scientists with a large variety of expertise and backgrounds. It is characterized by an extremely interdisciplinary environment, aimed at providing scientific excellence and innovation on next-generation sequencing techniques, proteomic and metabolomic studies, as well as bioinformatics analyses.

The Center already collaborates with many clinicians, research groups and institutes in Italy and abroad, and has been involved in over a thousand of projects

Connect with us

The center serves as a nexus for integrating multi-omics research with translational medicine. COSR advances scientific progress by helping researchers and clinicians to generate, manage, and understand genomics data, through sequencing, bioinformatics analysis, proteomics and metabolomics services, interpretive collaborations and training.