Advanced technology in health and well-being

Since 1997, Ospedale San Raffaele added among its significant assets a specific research unit oriented to Information Technology applications in the health domain. Today the Advanced Technology in Health & Wellbeing (previously called eServices for life and health) is a research center of Ospedale San Raffaele in Milano (Italy), whose mission is to design, develop and demonstrate the ethical, scientific, economic and technological feasibility of innovative personalized services aiming at promoting well-being and informed choices in daily life. The center for Advanced Technology in Health & Wellbeing are a suite of personalized and trusted added value services delivered on state of the art web-based information platform. The center aims at lowering the invisible cultural, organizational, economic and environmental barriers that hamper stakeholders’ effort towards healthier, greener and fairer behaviours in everyday life, both for Individuals and business/social actors.
Designing and implementing technologies capable of collecting user information, ensuring data privacy and security, and delivering personalized experiences requires a wide range of expertise. For this reason, our center fosters a unique multidisciplinary environment where researchers from diverse backgrounds collaborate closely.
Our team includes engineers, developers, technicians, designers, nutritionists, and psychologists, all working together to advance innovation in the fields of health and wellbeing.
Its unique environment has been field of international ICT research projects in 5th, 6th. 7th and now H2020, European Commission Framework R&D Programs and Italian/Lombardy Region R&D Programs since year 2000, nurturing intense cross-disciplinary collaborations between medical and healthcare professionals, designers, engineers, scientists, policy makers, and entrepreneurs across a number of life and health-related fields:
- SMARTer and SAFer HOSPITAL R&D Program for Patient Safety and Healthcare Process Efficiency: analysis, design, development, pilot testing and technology transfer of innovative safe, efficient & trusted hospital healthcare processes based on pervasive Information Technology, Automation & Robotics, Modeling & Simulation in cooperation with leading industries in the medical, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, information technology markets, scientific research institutions and policy makers - started 1993.
- HEALTHier and GREENer LIFE R&D Program for Disease Prevention and Well-Being Promotion: analysis, design, development, pilot testing and technology transfer of innovative personalized and pervasive e-Services-based processes and business models in the Health and Well-Being behavioral economy (ranging from adherence to prescribed pharmaceutical therapies to promotion of healthier lifestyles in nutrition, physical activity, health edutainment and social relationship) in cooperation with leading industries in the pharmaceutical, food & beverage, multimedia, information technology markets, scientific research institutions and policy makers - started 2003.
- HEALTHier and GREENer CITY R&D Program and Living Lab for the City of the Future: e-Services re-engineering of the urban environment in the perspective of Internet of Services and Service Robotics, to enable and promote personalized healthier and more eco-sustainable Citizen lifestyles in domains such as automotive and mobility, real estate and hospitality, leisure and tourism, culture and art, energy and critical infrastructures - started 2013.
- HEALTHier and GREENer COASTAL ECOSYSTEM R&D Program and Living Lab for the Sea of the Future: e-Service re-engineering of the coastal environment in the perspective of Internet of Services and Pervasive Service Robotics, to enable and promote sustainable development of the Blue Economy - started 2023.
In our research lab, we created NEFFIE - the NeuroAesthetic Photography Platform - to experiment and explore a fragment of the future today. This innovative experiential laboratory brings together Art, Photography, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, NFTs, and the Metaverse, offering a unique space to study how visual arts can influence emotional and cognitive processes.
The seminar will feature a direct experience with NEFFIE's photographs, designed to trigger complex emotional-cognitive responses.
As we deepen our expertise in Digital and Visual Arts, we are challenging the NEFFIE platform in new application domains, including a clinical trial aimed at evaluating its theragnostic potential for the early prediction of Alzheimer's disease.
NEFFIE represents a bold step into the future of neuroaesthetic technologies, where art and science converge to redefine our understanding of human perception and interaction.
Since 2018, our research center has had the opportunity to collaborate on two prestigious HORIZON Europe projects, EDIT and PHIRE. We have been dedicated to creating the communication and dissemination material tailored to the public or stakeholders, contributing to the spread of acquired knowledge and promoting innovation in the field of diagnostic imaging and nanomedicine.
- SARAS Project, Healthcare Partner Grant Agreement 779813 - Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon (https://saras-project.eu/)
- (STEVE Project, Healthcare & Wellbeing Partner G.A. 769944 - Smart-Tailored L-category Electric Vehicle
- DITAS Project, Healthcare Partner, G.A. 731945 – Data-intensive applications Improvement by moving data and computation in mixed cloud/fog environmentS
- SHIELD Project, Healthcare & Wellbeing Partner G.A. 727301 – European Security in Health Data Exchange
- I-SEE Project, Healthcare Partner, G.A. 720571 - Intelligent Sensor Enabled Eyewear
- OPERANDO Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 653704 - Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance anD Optimization: food and nutrition wellbeing services.
- PAL Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 643783 - Personal Assistant for healthy Lifestyle: service platform for edutainment and ehealth services for doctors, caregivers, parents and kids with Diabetes Type 1
- SILVERSTREAM Project, Healthcare and Wellbeing Partner G.A. 653861 - Social Innovation and Light electric VEhicle Revolution on STREets and Ambient: personalization of biomechanical and cognitive driver’s and passengers’ comfort and wellbeing
- PRISMACLOUD Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 644962 - PRIvacy and Security Maintaining services in the CLOUD : Personal Health Record Application
- TAPPS Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 645119 - Trusted Apps for open Cyber Physical Systems: Smart Hospital Ecosystem Application
- WITDOM Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 644371 - empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents: Genomic Lab Application
- PROTEGO Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. 826264 – data PROTEction toolkit reducinG risks in hOspital and care centers: Privacy and Security Risk Management in Healthcare ( https://protego-project.eu )
- SMARTBEAR Project, Healthcare Partner - G.A. 857172 – Smart Big Data Platform to Offer Evidence-based Personalized Support for Healthy and Independent Living at home: Innovative Health Services for elderly enabled by wearable sensors. ( https://www.smart-bear.eu )
- PIPPI Project, Healthcare Partner – G.A. 826157 Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation (https://www.euhalliance.eu/2018/12/17/pippi-procurement-innovation )
- RENERGETIC, Healthcare Partner - G.A. 957845 Community-empowered Sustainable multi-vector energy Islands (http://www.renergetic.eu )
- FLYING FORWARD 2020, Healthcare and Living Lab Partner – G.A.101006828, Drone-based New Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem (https://www.ff2020.eu )
- NEMECYS, Healthcare – G.A.101094323, (https://www.nemecys.eu ) New Medical Cibersecurity assessment and design Solutions (https://nemecsys.eu)
- i-SUR Project, Healthcare Partner, FP7 IST 257243 i-SUR – Intelligent Surgical Robotics (www.isur.eu): advanced technologies for automation in minimally invasive and open surgery, through design of robotic surgical instruments, task modeling and control, medical situation awareness, surgeon-robot communication and legal barriers identification.
- ALIZ-E Project, Healthcare & Wellbeing Partner, FP7 IST 248116 ALIZ-E - Adaptive Long-term Interaction for Sustainable Social Relationship: interactive, mobile humanoid robots being able to socially interact with human users over extended periods of time. (www.alize-eu.org). Medical application: health education and motivation to therapy adherence in Pediatric Department
- THREATS Project, Healthcare Partner G.A. HOME/2013/CIPS/AG/4000005056 - Terrorist attacks on Hospitals: Risk and Emergency Assessment, Tools and Systems
- TCLOUDS Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner, FP7 IST 257243 TCLOUDS - Trustworthy Clouds: privacy and resilience for Internet-scale critical infrastructures (www.tclouds-project.eu). Medical application: patient self-monitoring & self-care
- ELLIOT Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner, FP7 IST 258666 ELLIOT–Experiential Living Lab for the Internet of Things: Internet if Things (IoT) experiential platform where Citizens are directly involved in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artefacts for IoT applications.
- SAFROS Project, Healthcare Partner, FP7 IST 248960 SAFROS - Patient Safety in Robotic Surgery (www.safros.eu) Patient safety in the context of robotic surgery, examining causes leading to documented accidents and proposing ICT models and methods to reach a much higher level of safety than is currently accepted and achievable.
- PREVE Support Action, Healthcare & Wellbeing Partner, FP7 IST 248197 PREVE – Prevention of Diseases: support action to identify strategy and R&D roadmap for enhancing role of e-health in primary prevention (www.preve-eu.org)
- PRIME, Project Healthcare Partner, FP6 IST 507591 PRIME – Privacy and Identity Management in Europe: trust and security Integrated Project, aiming at the realization of a multi-sector and large scale-sustainable approach to privacy and identity management (www.prime-project.eu). Medical application: Self-care and e-Services in medication management
- PIPS, Project Coordinator, FP6 IST 507019 PIPS – Personalized Information Platform for Life and Health Services: e-health Integrated Project (budget 14,5 million Euro) for innovative health services delivered in Citizen’s daily life. Services are personalized & based on preventive/predictive medicine profiles to support Citizen self-care and adherence in drug therapy & monitoring, and changes in nutritional & physical activity lifestyle
- DRIVE, Project Coordinator, FP5 IST 12040 DRIVE – Drug in Virtual Enterprise: e-commerce project (budget 4,2 million Euro), successfully applied to the vertical integration (from manufacturer to hospital bedside) of pharmaceutical process for supply chain efficiency, prescription adherence & patient safety.
- FEEDIN’ITALY Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner: Nutritional service redesign for catering services to promote healthier nutritional behaviors in workplaces, hospitals and schools (Lombardy Region R&D Program)
- SCUOLAGIOCHI Project, Subcontractor: Edutainment platform for kids and schools to promote health literacy and healthier behaviors in nutrition and physical activity (NGO contract)
- F4G - Feed for Good Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner: Personalized & interactive educational services to promote healthier nutritional lifestyles, based on interactive video-recipes and cross-media formats (Lombardy Region R&D Program)
- M3 - Mobile Medical Monitoring Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner: Wearable Sensors & distributed services for personalized prescription and patient self-administration of physical activity-based therapies (Lombardy Region R&D Program)
- PITVISION – Personalized Interactive bedside Television in hospitals and doctor offices Project, Healthcare & Well-Being Partner: Innovative TV formats and related services for health edutainment and information via interactive television (Lombardy Region R&D Program)
- E3 - Efficient, Effective & Eco-sustainable Energy Project, Healthcare Partner (Italian Ministry of Economic Development): components and scalable infrastructure to enable control, optimization and dynamic management of energy consumption, both for residential and commercial facilities - e.g., Green Hospital & Health Services
- VODAFONE 5G TRIALS Milan Project - Healthcare Partner (Italian Ministry of Economic Development) with use cases as for example: 5G-enabled Connected Ambulance, 5G-enabled Remote Telesurgery
- SWAP - SMART WARD PLATFORM, Healthcare Partner (Italian Ministry of Economic Development, Agenda Digitale FRI DM 18.10. 2017) Smarter and Safer Hospitals: When Automation meets Traceability to Guarantee Patient Safety, Staff Well-being and Logistics Optimization
- DIGITAL CARE PLATFORM, Healthcare Partner (Italian Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Innovation Agreement DM 31.12.21) Global platform for long-distance care of sick and frail people, a range of products and services that facilitate the care and well-being of people within healthcare facilities and their homes
Marta Canzi
Thesis student/intern in Modern Literature
Patricia Chan
Gianmarco Gradellini
UX & Interaction Designer
Alice Leporini
Biomedical engineer
Lorenzo Memeo
Biomedical Engineer, Researcher
Marco Mura
Digital Media Producer
Simona Musicco
Thesis Student in Biomedical Engineering
Mariet NouriJanian
Service designer
Yuxin Zhou
Product and Service Designer
Manuel Zullo
ICT technical manager