our assets
More than 1800 people dedicated to research work in over 100 laboratories, distributed on a surface of 130.000 square meters of high-tech facilities. Half of these researchers are physicians scientists, working side by side in the labs with biologists, chemists and biotechnologists, but also taking care of patients in the hospital departments. Their presence furtherly guarantees that clinical needs are well represented in basic research and, at the same time, that the most advanced knowledge on diseases biology is informing the clinical practice.

Research structure
The research activity of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele is organized into:
- 4 research divisions, addressing biomedical areas of interest through both a basic and clinical approach;
- 4 research institutes, collecting clinical and translational research units that work in collaboration with Ospedale San Raffaele physicians and patients;
- 4 advanced technology centers, which provide forefront technologies and methods in the field of genetics, bioinformatics, medical imaging, IT and animal research.
- 8 clinical research centers, to promote the “bench to bedside” model, with clinicians and research experts working hand in hand to expedite the discovery of new medical advances.
Moreover, all research groups are supported in their activity by research facilities that provide the know-how and the technological platforms needed for cutting-edge research, ranging from microscopy to cell sorting, from pre-clinical imaging to gene editing services.
Scientific Direction
The needs of our researchers – from technical instrumentations to logistics and administration, from grant writing to technology transfer – are answered by a number of suppor offices working under the supervision of the Research and Scientific Direction of IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, to provide our researchers the best support possible.
Explore the main offices and functions here.