Core facilities



Facility manager

Cesare Covino


The Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy BioImaging Center (ALEMBIC) is directed and operated by an expert staff whose activity is devoted to technical innovations in imaging technology. In ALEMBIC novel microscopy approches are coupled with leading-edge biological experimentation, with the aim of creating a rich, continuously updated resource for internationally competitive biomedical research. The facility is organized to provide both service and innovation.

ALEMBIC is part of: 

For more information about Euro-Bioimaging and to submit a project ► click here.


June 11 2024 | Seminar

in collaboration with Crisel Instruments and Molecular Devices

A new approach for culturing 3D biology

Facility assets

A director oversees the operations of the facility and coordinates a small staff that contributes to accomplishing the mission. A complex of more than 10 laboratories houses, in approximately 300 square meters, several imaging systems equipped for live or fixed tissue experimentation, two transmission electron microscopes, the space and the necessary accessories to prepare specimens for imaging.

In addition a high-capacity network of digital workstations is integrated into the facility to enable researchers to elaborate, process and present their data as efficiently and effectively as possible. There is also an area used by the staff and by their collaborators to develop new methodologies and to conduct research on techniques which have significant potential to enhance bioimaging research. Aside from its intrinsic value the staff's research activity promotes technical updates on a regular basis and keeps the facility on the forefront of available technology.

ALEMBIC has approximately 300 square meters on level -2 of DIBIT1. Download here the facility map.

Access Info

Aside from provinding instrumentation, the facility is designed to instruct researchers on how to effectively use the microscopes in order to perform experiments independently.
This is especially the case for access to optical microscopes for which researchers are required to attend an introductory course held by the ALEMBIC staff before being authorized to use any instrument.

*User guides: Service request | Instruments reservation | Training request
