Emerging bacterial pathogens

Daniela Maria Cirillo

Daniela Maria Cirillo

Email: cirillo.daniela@hsr.it
Location: DIBIT2 A4, Floor 2

Deputy Director, Division Immunology, Transplant and Infectious Diseases
Group Leader, Emerging bacterial pathogens

For administrative support, please contact Giovanna Graziano: graziano.giovanna@hsr.it

Daniela M Cirillo MD, PhD, is a physician scientist clinical microbiologist, head of the EBPU since 2002. DMC started her career at the University of Turin working on adhesion molecules and cytoskeleton, after she completed her PhD and her residency in clinical microbiology she moved to Ospedale Molinette in Turin, where she started a program of molecular surveillance of multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens. She spent several years in the US working on bombesin receptor first and on salmonella pathogenesis later, main achievement of the latest postdoc was the demonstration of the relevance of genes encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island2 for progression of infection (Cirillo,D et al, 1998 Mol Microbiol 796 citations.

In 1998 she started the M.tuberculosis lab for clinical and research work in Torino. Rapidly she became a senior consultant in the field of Mycobacteria for the Italian MoH, WHO, ECDC and international organizations.  In 2016, she established the WHO Supranational Reference laboratory in Milan, under her direction this centre has achieved the highest recognition as one of the most active in the network providing training, research collaboration and technical support to more than 15 Countries. DMC’s areas of expertise include clinical microbiology, infection control, molecular mechanisms of drug resistance, operational and basic research on new diagnostics for active TB and Infections, animal models for respiratory pathogens. She participates in the international and national working groups to define guidelines and recommendations on tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment at national, and international level (>10 publications with up to 600 citations). She is member of several editorial bords and reviewer for high level Journals in her field of expertise. She is member of the infection control committee at OSR.

Author of 404 peer reviewed publications, 2 Henry Stuart talks, 7 chapters on peer reviewed scientific books, including the ASM Manual of Clinical Microbiology 13th edition. Total citation 16722 H index (Scopus) 65.

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