Immuno-hematology and transfusion medicine
Luca Santoleri

Location: DIBIT2 A4, Floor 0, Room 20
Head physician, Immuno-hematology and transfusion medicine Unit
Specialized in hematology since year 2000, Dr. Luca Santoleri was deputy director of the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Service in Niguarda Hospital (Milan) form 2011 to 2016 and is currently director of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Service at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele. Trained in Quality Management, was successfully involved in many accreditation pathways for the departments and services he was working for (JACIE, ISO9001 etc.). Trained in clinical research and Good Clinical Practice (GCP), he conducted with his collaborators many clinical studies in the filed o Patient Blood Management and blood component use in elective/emergent surgery and intensive care units.
His areas of major interests are Patient Blood Management, the devolvement of blood components for non-transfusion proposes (with special regard to regenerative medicine) and blood component dedicated to newborn and pediatric use.