
Donato Inverso

Donato Inverso

Email: inverso.donato@hsr.it

Donato Inverso was originally trained as pathologist at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Naples, Italy. From 2011 to 2015 he completed his PhD training in basic and applied immunology at“Università Vita Salute San Raffaele”. During this time, he utilized various murine models of hepatitis B pathogenesis alongside advanced imaging techniques to investigate the interplay between HBV-specific CD8+ T cells and liver endothelial cells. His research unveiled a novel paradigm of adaptive immune surveillance influenced by processes characteristic of liver fibrosis.In 2016, he transitioned to a postdoctoral position at the Division of Vascular Oncology and Metastasis at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, where he remained until 2021.Here, he delved into the intersection of vascular biology and liver pathobiology, pioneering the drafting of the first comprehensive and spatially-resolved phosphoproteome of any vascular bed. This groundbreaking work illuminated a previously overlooked phosphorylation gradient along liver blood vessels, crucial for both liver homeostasis and regeneration.

His research has been published in esteemed scientific journals, including Nature, Cell, Cancer Cells, and Nature Medicine. He has received numerous accolades for his contributions, including the ERC Consolidator Grant, the AIRC start-up grant, the FET-OPEN grant from the European Innovation Council, a Cariplo reinforcement grant, the EMBO long-term fellowship, and the "Francesco de Luca Award" from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

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