Gian Giacomo Consalez
Location: DIBIT1, sector A2, 3rd floor, room 36
Group leader,Neuropathophysiology Unit
Professor, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
G.G. Consalez is a full professor of Human Anatomy at the San Raffaele University in Milan (Libero Ateneo Vita-Salute San Raffaele, UniSR). He is a neuroanatomist and molecular biologist with experience in neurodevelopment (organogenesis) and neurobiology, documented by 98 peer-reviewed publications in international journals and several book chapters / textbooks.
As a researcher, Dr. Consalez directs the Neuropathophysiology unit at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute. As a UniSR Professor, he coordinates a Human Anatomy course for the International Medical Doctorate Program, and teaches Neuroanatomy and Organogenesis for medical, biotechology and obstetrics students, as well as neurology residents at the UniSR Faculty of Medicine. He coordinates the curriculum of Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology, UniSR PhD Program in Molecular Medicine.
1987-1990: Emory University School of Medicine Depts of Biochemistry and Pediatrics (Division of Medical Genetics), postdoctoral fellowship in Molecular Genetics
1988: Università degli Studi di Milano (State University of Milan, Italy), Certification in Pediatrics (cum laude)
1984: Università degli Studi di Milano (State University of Milan, Italy), Degree in Medicine (cum laude)
2020: Member of the local PhD Program Executive Academic Board (Collegio dei Docenti), UniSR
2017: Coordinator, Curriculum in Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology, PhD Program in Molecular Medicine
2014: Professor of Human Anatomy
2008-2010: Adjunct Professor of Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele
2005-2010: Adjunct Professor of Developmental Neurobiology at the Faculty of Psychology, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele
2000-2021: Director of Studies, second supervisor, tutor and examiner (International doctorates in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Neuroscience and Experimental Neurology)
2000-2007: Vice coordinator: PhD programme in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Open University, c/o San Raffaele Scientific Institute.
1996-2009: Professor and coordinator, PhD courses in genetics, molecular biology, developmental biology (International doctorates in Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Neuroscience)
1995: Head of Research Unit
1993-1995: Staff Researcher, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
1991-1992: Staff Researcher, Molecular Genetics and Pathology, G. Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy
2004-2007: National Secretary of the Italian Federation of Life Sciences
1998-2001: Armenise-Harvard Foundation Neuroscience Award (member of the awarded group)
1998: Coordinator, EMBO course on PCR-based Differential Screening, RNA fingerprinting