Diabetes research institute

Pediatric diabetes


Senior physician

Riccardo Bonfanti


The Pediatric diabetes Unit promotes the health and education of all chidren with diabetes (Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, monogenic diabetes). Every year more than 80 new pediatric diabetes cases are diagnosed in our unit. We perform 2500/year outpatient diabetologic visits, and more than 170 day hospitals. Actually we follow more than 1000 children and adolescents with all forms of diabetes mellitus that come to the outpatient clinic. We have bed in hospital for the diagnosis or treatment of acute complications of the disease.

Research activity

We developed a lot of experience in clinical and technological research and we participate in many national and international studies. We participated to the planning and execution of the first work on artificial pancreas in preschool children PedErPan study (PEDiatric Evolution Research PANcreas).

We work in strict connection with many different Units of the Diabetes Reesearch Institute (OSR-DRI), particularly try to study the different endotypes of type 1 diabetes and developing precision medicine approach for diabetic children. Our unit promotes diabetes prediction and prevention thanks to a strict collaboration to basic and applied research (eg TrialNet Center).