San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy

Research Strategy & Communication



Aida Paniccia


SR - Tiget is a complex organization with ambitious goals, whose accomplishment is the result of a fruitful ecosystem of internal and external interactions. The Research Strategy and Communication Office (RSCO) supports the SR-Tiget Director in the scientific management of the Institute, providing the frame to devise the Institute research strategy and facilitating its implementation by promoting sharing of information and people engagement . The RSCO works in close collaboration with several other functions of the SR-Tiget founding partners striving to achieve the highest level of synergy and avoid duplication of efforts in the best interest of the Institute.


RSCO activities are structured around foure areas:

  1. Research strategy and planning. The Office supports the Direction in developing the research strategy and monitoring its implementation through assessment initiatives (e.g. internal reviews and Scientific Advisory Board meetings) and institutional analysis on key research performance indicators. The RSCO is also in charge of facilitating sharing of relevant information with offices involved in the implementation of institutional strategies (Grant Offices, Business Development Offices, Research Offices), and providing ad - hoc support for special institutional projects.
  2. Grants. The Office integrates the activities of the Grant Offices by providing tailored support to SR-Tiget scientists in the stage of grant scouting and proposal development. It is also responsible for the project management activities for specific EU-funded projects where SR-Tiget PIs participate as consortium coordinators.
  3. Communication. The Office curates institutional dissemination materials (including website, brochure, presentations etc), making sure communication contents are accurate and consistent with the Institute strategy. The RSCO set up and continuously updates the SR-Tiget LinkedIn channel with the aims of sharing the latest scientific updates with a wide specialist international audience while  engaging the internal community. The Office also operates as point of contact for Ospedale San Raffaele and Fondazione Telethon Communication Offices.
  4. People engagement and talent development. One of the goals of the Office is to foster the growth of the SR - Tiget researcher community enabling SR - Tiget researchers to be active and effective citizens of the Institute. Activities in this area include: coordination of induction for new SR - Tiget resources , development of educational programs for early career researchers and coordination of internal communication/engagement initiatives (e.g. institutional newsletter) and events (e.g. internal meeting calendar, Postdoc External Seminar Committee, organization of Retreats).