Translational stem cell and leukemia
Bernhard Gentner

Location: DIBIT1 A3, Floor 2, Room 53
Group leader, Translational stem cell and leukemia Unit
Staff Hematologist (CHRU), Clinical research Unit
My education, characterized by alternating and concurrent phases of broadly oriented clinical training and experimental laboratory work, was at all times geared towards becoming a physician scientist driven by the principle of excellence in research and clinical care. I established myself as a Haematologist and have become an integral part of the clinical team of the San Raffaele Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation Unit. At the same time, I raised my own research group, which is trained and skilled in a broad spectrum of experimental techniques.
These two conditions represent crucial assets for successfully carrying out the function of a physician scientist and establish a model of research that truly goes "from bench to bedside and back again". I am also co-founder of Genenta Science, an innovative start-up company focused on the development of cancer immunotherapy, recently listed on Nasdaq.
2003-2006 Residency Training in Internal Medicine Department of Internal
Medicine I, University of Erlangen, Germany
1996-2003 M.D. training at University of Heidelberg Medical School, Germany; MD Anderson Cancer Center and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
1998-2004 Doctorate at German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and University of Heidelberg, German
2009-2014 Residency in Hematology from at Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele; Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
2006-2009 Post-Doctoral Training at Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milan, Italy
2012 Abstract Achievement Award by the American Society of Hematology
2011 Young Investigator Award by the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
2011 San Raffaele Institutional Prize for Best Paper in Translational Science published in 2010
2009 Excellence in Research Award by the American Society of Gene Therapy
2008 Leslie-Fairbairn Award, CONSERT Meeting, Leukerbad
2007 Presentation at the Presidential Symposium, American Society of Gene Therapy Meeting
2006-2008 Two-year Research Scholarship by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2002 8-month stipend for International Exchange Program with Houston, TX (
2001 Best Abstract Award by the International Symposium on Transplantation & Gene Therapy (ISTGT)
2001-2012 Recipient of multiple travel grants (EHA 2001, ASGCT 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011; ASH 2012)
2000-2003 Scholar of the prestigious German Scholarship Foundation (