Non-oncology and rare uro-andrological diseases
Manuela Tutolo

Manuela Tutolo, MD, PhD, is a leading urologist of the Neuro-urology and functional urology group at IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, where she also serves as a translational researcher at URI-Urological Research Institute.
2023 – present Associate Editor, EAU Edu Platform on functional urology
2023 – present Member, European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines panel on Non-Neurogenic Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS)
2017 – present Staff Physician, Unit of Urology, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele
(Head of functional urology, neuro-urology, female urology and urodynamics service)
2016 – 2023 PhD in biomedical sciences, KU Leuve, Belgium (Supervisor: Prof. F. Van Der Aa)
2014- 2017 Staff Physician, Department of Urology, Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium
2013-2014 Clinical Fellowship at the Department of Urology, Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium (Supervisor Prof. D. De Ridder)
2009 – 2010 Basic Science Research Fellowship, Ludwig-Maximilians University Clinic, Munich, Germany
2009 – 2014 Residency in Urology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
2002 - 2008 Medical School, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
Research Group in Neurourology and functional urology, Division of Experimental Oncology, Urological Research Institute
Research Activity
The focus of Manuela Tutolo’s research is the study of predictive factors of iatrogenic urinary incontinence after pelvic surgery. She is strongly involved in developing predictive models for this purpose to investigate patients before pelvic surgery and before any surgery for urinary incontinence in order to select the ideal candidate for surgery and create realistic expectations in terms of functional outcomes. Likewise, Manuela Tutolo’s research focuses on the work-up management of patients with urological and andrological disorders associated with neurological diseases, especially in multiple sclerosis. In this context, she is co-responsible for the Multidisciplinary Outpatient Pelvic Floor Clinical and Research Office.