Anna Sofia Tascini

Location: DIBIT2 A3, Floor 3, Room 15
Computational biologist, Bioinformatics
Anna Sofia Tascini comes from a multidisciplinary background, owning a PhD in Computational Chemistry, a MSc in Energy and Nuclear Engineering (Polytechnic University of Turin) and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering (University of Perugia), and is excited by the idea of applying her skills to solve real-world problems, with a focus on health care. She earned her PhD as part of a Marie Curie International Network (itn-snal), at Imperial College London, giving molecular insight into the barrier function of sebaceous and skin lipids and the interactions of lipid membranes with antimicrobial peptides and therapeutic nanoparticles by using molecular dynamics simulations, theory and continuum modelling. Alongside research, she has strong skills in science communication. She designed and developed an outreach activity, called “Fats’ split personality”, aimed to explain why and how lipid molecules play a fundamental role in all living organisms and in our bodies. She presented this activity at several science festivals and schools in the UK and Spain. In 2018, she was awarded the 1st CCP5 Outreach prize for designing images to explain computer simulations to high school students.
Now, she is a computational biologist at the Center for Omics Sciences, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano (Italy), where she also manages the communication of the COSR activities to the research community and the general public.