Gynecologic oncology

Giorgia Mangili

Giorgia Mangili


Senior physician, Gynecologic oncology Unit

Graduated cum laude in Medicine and Surgery in 1983, successively achieved the “Diploma di Specializzazione” in Obstetrics and Gynecology with the maximum marks and, later on, the one in Oncology. She has completed her hospital activities in the Gynecological departments, dedicating herself to the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological neoplasias. She is responsible for the functional Unit in Gynecological Medical Oncology in the Gynecological department in IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan and of the Oncofertility Unit.

Her work activity has developed in the varied sectors regarding the treatment and assistance of genital tract tumours: from ovarian neoplasia to endometrial and cervical ones. From the beginning of her professional activity, she has focused on identifying different diagnostic and therapeutical options in the environment of trophoblast and other rare tumours.

She is a directive member in the MITO group and she is responsible of the commission of rare tumours in the group, participating actively in collaborative studies and multi-centric national and international trials with the object to evaluate the efficacy of new therapeutic protocols in the gynecological malignancies. Her teaching activities include being a tutor and supervisor for the graduations in the department of Medicine and Surgery. She is also a lecturer in the Residency program in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele in Milan.

Up to now, she is the author of many publications on international scientific papers and has been invited as a speaker in many meetings.